Trinity Press
Trinity Press is the monthly newsletter of Trinity Presbyterian Church. Here you can find current and upcoming events and congregational news.
The congregation is encouraged to submit articles/information that may be relevant for this newsletter to Pastor LaVera via her email by the 22nd of the month. Ideas include: notes to the congregation, community ministry news, community events, volunteer opportunities, and celebrations.
The congregation is encouraged to submit articles/information that may be relevant for this newsletter to Pastor LaVera via her email by the 22nd of the month. Ideas include: notes to the congregation, community ministry news, community events, volunteer opportunities, and celebrations.
Feb. 2025
From the Pastor
Thank you for the birthday/anniversary wishes. We had a wonderful time in SC even with the “snowpocalypse”! We got about 5 inches down there, which is less than y’all had. It cut out a couple of our activities, but none of which we had paid in advance.With a new year, I begin reading the required books for my October seminar group. This year we are focusing on Reformed Piety. I finished my first book on my trip—Donald Bloesch’s Spirituality Old & New. Though published in 2007, it is no less relevant for today. There is so much interest in spirituality which is not compatible with historic Christianity, and much of it has infiltrated the Church, both Catholic and Protestant. It errs on two sides—the mystical and the natural or secular. In both cases, the error is that of creating a God of our own making, which is a temptation all of us face. We always have to measure our beliefs by Scripture and in community. Community is important for interpretation of the Word, so that we don’t pick and choose Scripture or take Scripture out of context. I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways of inviting people into community around the Word of God. Loneliness is at epidemic proportions. I’ve heard people from all different walks of life speak about being lonely. People are definitely looking for community, and we know that the deepest hole in one’s heart can only be filled by Jesus. Be it a “contemporary” or “traditional” service, many people will never walk through a church door to find either Jesus or community. How then might we help people find both? It’s an open-ended question that I am still pondering.
Worship News
We will return to the gospel of Luke in February until Easter as we dive into the passion narrative except on Feb. 9, which is Scout Sunday. Read more about Scout Sunday under Scout News below. Scout Sunday is our highest attended Sunday because we have the most visitors.
Bible Study
Bible study will resume Sunday, Feb. 2 after worship. We will be doing another Ray Vander Laan study. This study is called “Walk as Jesus Walked.” If you remember, these studies are quite homework intensive, so we will not meet every week.
Scout News
The Troop attended the Polar Bear Winter Merit Badge weekend at Camp Boddie January 17- 19.
The Pack held their annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday, Jan. 25.
Scouting for Food begins on Saturday, Feb. 8 with collection Saturday on Feb. 15. You can bring in food to the church for this program any day from Feb. 9-15. If you wait until the 15th, please have food here by 10 am. If you would like a Scout to pick up food from your house on Saturday, Feb. 15, let Monica know.
Scout Sunday will be February 9 and will run in conjunction with Souper Bowl of Caring. You can donate your soup for the Scouting for Food count if you would like. We will have a soup and sandwich potluck meal following the worship service. The Troop and Pack will be invited to join us – for service and the meal.
Wider Church News
Tried by Fire Ministries, which focuses on helping women, especially those recently released from incarceration, is sponsoring My Sister’s House Conference at Two Rivers Church, 3221 Neuse Blvd., New Bern on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 3:00 pm. The conference is free, and all women are invited. Donations are greatly appreciated and will not only help cover the cost of the conference, but will also help to support My Sister’s House, a transitional home that provides up to 6 months of housing, training, and support for women recently released from incarceration. Guest Psalmist, Vicki Yohe, will be performing as part of the event. For more information, contact Tavanda at 252-637-2339.
Important Dates in February
Feb. 2 – 12:30 Bible study
Feb. 9 – Scout Sunday/Souper Bowl of Caring
Soup & Sandwich Fellowship meal after worship
Feb. 16 – Session Mtg. following worship
Feb. 23 – Bible Study following worship